December 06, 2023

Wenda wins the Top Tech Startup Awards 2023

For the second year in a row, Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive have selected Wenda as one of the Top Tech Startup 2023 an award that highlights the best software and technology startups in the supply chain and logistics industry.

Here are some remarks by Antonio Catapano and Mattia Nanetti, co-founders of Wenda: “We are very happy with this recognition as it reflects all the effort and brains that the group puts in every day, to work on the development of our Platform.”
The Top Tech Startup 2023 winners work mostly in the AI-based automation sector – 46 %, which is a remarkable figure considering they were 35% last year.
A substantial share of the other organizations work with AI solutions, Smart data capture and real-time transportation visibility, and generate revenues of $1 million to $20 million per year.

"Many of today's startups are poised to disrupt the supply chain space. Whether it's raising money to improve sustainability, visibility and food safety or empowering companies to enhance the last mile, these startups are putting innovation at the forefront. They're introducing real-time tracking and carbon footprint solutions and developing robotics and wearables to better move product from Point A to Point B in the safest, most efficient manner," says Marina Mayer, editor-in-chief of Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive. “The future of the supply chain industry is now. And, now is the time to shine a spotlight on these startups' initiatives."

Wenda, an Italian SME founded in 2015, employs a team with more than 20 years of experience in retail, manufacturing, logistics and transportation. It has a global presence that includes Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. It has been selected by Maersk and Lanzadera-Mercadona for their accelerator programs.
Wenda's proprietary AI technology enables it to automatically identify, classify and extract data contained in unstructured documents, images, emails and texts related to logistics processes. This data is then transformed into structured information that can be integrated into the Wenda platform or other third-party systems such as ERP, TMS, WMS, MES and others.

Food Logistics reaches more than 26,000 food and beverage supply chain executives globally, including executives from food (growers, manufacturers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and grocers) and logistics (transportation, warehousing, distribution, software, and technology) who share a common interest in the operations and business aspects of the global cold supply chain.
Supply & Demand Chain Executive is the only supply chain publication that covers the entire global supply chain, focusing on transportation, warehousing, packaging, purchasing, risk management, professional development, and more.

The full list of Top Tech Startup 2023 winners can be viewed here.