Wenda's proprietary Artificial Intelligence easily transforms any document or text received via e-mail into structured data entered into your management system to automate your operational tasks and specific workflows that cannot be integrated with EDI or API.
Automate the data entry from BoL into your ERP to create imports.
Automate data entry operations into your TMS/WMS to generate pickups or inbounds.
Automate data entry operations into your ERP to generate quotations.
Automate the data entry into your TMS to generate shipments
Reading instructions to create BoL draft on your system.
Automate data entry into your internal IT systems for maritime operations.
Automate the data entry from AWB into your ERP to create imports.
Extract information to process passive invoices on your ERP.
Wenda's cloud platform automates supply chain operations and creates a
comprehensive visibility through collaboration and Artificial Intelligence.
Automated data entry and back office with AI. Simple. Effective.
Wenda meets the supply chain needs of every industry that needs greater visibility into process performances and product integrity.
"Track & Trace of sea shipments, extended visibility in transit"
Group of freight forwarders and shipping agents, Italy
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"Digitalization and categorization of transport documents with AI"
Logistics and transport company (air, land, sea), Spain
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"Management of physical warehouse operations, WMS solutions for supply chain"
Last mile food delivery, Italy
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