27 maggio 2020
Parlano di WENDA – fine wines news
Wenda a new and interesting product for wine
Wenda wine protection system.
In my surfing the web I ran across a product that caught my eye. I have no connection with this product or company but think it has great potential for the wine industry, transport and collectors. It is being developed by a company in Italy by the name of Wenda. This product consists of 3 basic components. One is the anti counterfeiting, electronic monitoring device. The 2nd is mobile tester/software app and 3rd is a cloud platform for storage of all information. The system monitors Temperature, uv rays, tilt angle with anti counterfeiting and anti refilling protection.
Here is a few paragraphs from their press release
“WENDA has been specifically developed for wine bottles, as an expression of the most important and exclusive Food&Wine market and quality: Wenda Device, Wenda App, Wenda Cloud – identification and traceability – monitoring and registration of the parameters influencing the conservation status – brand protection – anticounterfeiting – communication and promotion – extended potential to the whole value and supply chain – unique and exclusive emotional experience for wine lovers.
WENDA is all this and much more, with an ethical and proactive business approach.
Wenda is patent pending – totally designed, engineered and manufactured in Italy”
“WENDA provides an easy-to-integrate web-based solution which can be used by anyone who needs to gather and access information related to the conservation status of wine bottles. Any user (winemaker, logistic operator, importer, distributor, wine shop, restaurant, auction house, wine professional, winelover) can create a WENDA account, link this account to all the single devices fastened to all the single bottles”.
This is a link to their demo kit and more information Wenda demo kit
(ndr: thanks!!)
This I believe to be the future in the industry to protect wines from tampering and the environment. This covers the entire chain from the producer, transportation companies, distributors, wine cellars, stores, restaurants and the collector. Everyone can benefit. As a lover of Vino I know that protecting my wine is important.